• 8th Annual Lakota Games on Ice

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    Name: 8th Annual Lakota Games on Ice
    Date: January 18, 2020
    Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM CST
    Event Description:
    The 8th annual Lakota Games on Ice will take place at the Mitchell Prehistoric Indian Village on January 18th, providing visitors with the opportunity to learn more about early Native American cultures through the games played by the ancient Native Americans. The event will run from 1:00pm to 4:00 pm. This event will teach young and old alike the games played by men, women, and children during the cold winter months of the Northern Plains. Mike Marshall, Sicangu Lakota, will return to demonstrate and teach the games. Hot cocoa and cookies will be served after the games and the museum will be open for tours.
    Mitchell Prehistoric Indian Village 3200 Indian Village Road Mitchell, SD 57301
    Date/Time Information:
    January18, 2020 1:00pm - 4:00pm
    Contact Information:
    Cynthia Gregg
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  • Partnership between the City of Mitchell, Mitchell Chamber of Commerce & Convention Visitors Bureau, Mitchell Area Development Corporation, and Mitchell Main Street & Beyond