• DWU Braver Angels Debate

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    Name: DWU Braver Angels Debate
    Date: May 19, 2022
    Event Description:
    Dakota Wesleyan’s McGovern Center for Leadership and Public Service, in partnership with Braver Angels, will sponsor an open citizen debate centered on civil discourse.  “Is Cancel Culture Erasing Free Speech in America?” will be the topic of the debate to be held Thursday, May 19, at 7 p.m. in the Pratt Alumni Board Room in the School for Business, Innovation and Leadership.
    From the Braver Angels website: “Braver Angels was inspired by the words of Abraham Lincoln, who not only called on Americans to summon the ‘better angels’ of our nature — but called on us to find the courage needed to pursue a more perfect union, ‘with malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right.’  To meet the current moment, at this time of national crisis, we need more than civility. We need to challenge ourselves to work together when we disagree.
    Braver Angels seeks to depolarize American politics. Their work is rooted in grassroots organizing. From the grassroots however, volunteer leaders (supported by a small staff) leverage Braver Angels programs and unique organizing structure to impact community life and American institutions.”
    The DWU debate event will be moderated by Luke Nathan Phillips.  Phillips is Braver Angel's Publius Fellow for Public Discourse. He serves as Program Director for America's Public Forum, Secretary of the BA Scholars Council, Editor for BA Media's opinion content, and member of the Executive Committees of the National Debates and College Debates teams. He is based in northern Virginia and Washington D.C.
    To register for a free ticket, visit https://braver-angels-dakota-wesleyan-debate-5-19-22.eventbrite.com.  Attendees may participate by asking questions and sharing ideas. Attendees may also simply listen quietly if that is their preference. The purpose of this debate is not to defeat an opponent or to change minds. The purpose and goal of this debate is to grow in understanding and appreciation for other perspectives and to find common ground.
    For more information, contact Joel Allen at joel.allen@dwu.edu.
    About DWU
    DWU is a private, liberal arts university associated with the Dakotas Conference of the United Methodist Church, that is rooted in four values: lifelong learning, leadership development, faith exploration and genuine service to others. For more information about Dakota Wesleyan University, go to www.dwu.edu.
    Pratt Alumni Board Room in the School for Business, Innovation and Leadership on DWU Campus
    Date/Time Information:
    Thursday, May 19, 2022
    7:00 p.m.
    Contact Information:
    Joel Allen
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